Algebraic Topology

Our research lies in homotopy theory and its interaction with related subjects, like algebraic geometry, combinatorics, differential topology and logic. Some of our research interests include:
  • Chromatic and telescopic homotopy theory, both stable and unstable
  • Derived algebraic geometry
  • Equivariant homotopy theory
  • Goodwillie calculus
  • Higher category theory
  • Infinity-Operads (especially through the lens of dendroidal sets)
  • Moduli of elliptic curves
  • Spectral Lie algebras
  • Topological modular forms
Our members are part of the Dutch cluster on Geometry and Quantum Theory (GQT).

Our members

Gijs Heuts (webpage)
Interests: Algebraic topology, specifically Goodwillie calculus, chromatic homotopy theory, higher category theory and operads.
Lennart Meier (webpage)
Interests: Chromatic homotopy theory (stable and unstable), equivariant homotopy theory, topological modular forms, moduli of elliptic curves
Ieke Moerdijk (webpage)
Interests: Algebraic topology, applications of topology to mathematical logic.
Paige North (webpage)
Interests: Category theory, homotopy theory, higher category theory, logic, homotopy type theory, and connections of those subjects with computer science and engineering
Guy Boyde (webpage)
Interests: Unstable phenomena in homotopy theory, especially the asymptotic behaviour of torsion in unstable homotopy groups.
Christian Carrick (webpage)
Interests: Equivariant, chromatic, and motivic homotopy, computations with higher real K-theories
Léonard Guetta (webpage)
Interests: Higher category theory, category theory, homotopical algebra and homotopy type theory.
Tobias Lenz (webpage)
Interests: Equivariant and global homotopy theory, with a particular focus on equivariant infinite loop space theory and the corresponding refinements of algebraic K-theory.
Niall Taggart (webpage)
Interests: Algebraic topology, specifically functor calculus, stable and equivariant homotopy theory, model categories and higher category theory.
Miguel Barata (webpage)
Supervisor: Ieke Moerdijk
Interests: Homotopy theory, in particular dendroidal homotopy theory and Goodwillie-Weiss's manifold calculus.
Max Blans (webpage)
Supervisor: Gijs Heuts
Interests: Homotopy theory, specifically (unstable) chromatic homotopy theory and Goodwillie calculus.
Marco Nervo (webpage)
Supervisor: Gijs Heuts
Interests: Metastable, chromatic and telescopic homotopy theory, functor calculus, computations, synthetic spectra.
Sven van Nigtevecht (webpage)
Supervisor: Lennart Meier
Interests: Topological modular forms, chromatic homotopy theory, and equivariant stable homotopy theory.
Ryan Quinn
Supervisor: Lennart Meier
Interests: Homotopy theory, in particular equivariant stable homotopy theory and equivariant elliptic cohomology.
Jaco Ruit (webpage)
Supervisor: Lennart Meier
Interests: Homotopy theory, particularly equivariant stable homotopy theory and higher category theory

Local events

Goodwillie seminar. In the Fall of 2022 we followed closely Goodwillie's foundational paper "Calculus III". During 2023, the topic is the recent work of Anel, Biedermann, Finster, and Joyal on Goodwillie calculus in ∞-toposes.
TopICS. The Topology Intercity Seminar joint between Utrecht University and Radboud University, Nijmegen.

National and international events

Kan Lectures. The Kan lectures are yearly lecture series by renowned mathematicians, with Michael Hopkins, Graeme Segal, Ib Madsen, Eric Friedlander, Fabien Morel, Luc Illusie and Mikhail Kapranov as speakers in the previous years. The next speaker will be John Jones, 26 and 27 September 2024. More information will follow.
EAST. The European Autum School in Topology (EAST) is a yearly autum school, mainly aimed at PhD students. The 2024 edition will take place during the week September 16-20, close to Utrecht.
Higher Geometric Structures along the Lower Rhine. This is a biyearly event jointly organised between the universities of Bonn, Nijmegen and Utrecht. Its focus lies on the development and application of new structures in geometry and topology. The next workshop will be in Nijmegen, 23-24 January 2025

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