Our research lies in homotopy theory and its interaction with related subjects, like algebraic geometry, combinatorics, differential topology and logic. Some of our research interests include:
- Algebraic K-theory
- Chromatic and telescopic homotopy theory
- Derived algebraic geometry
- Equivariant homotopy theory
- Functor calculus
- Higher category theory
- Homotopy type theory
- ∞-operads (especially through the lens of dendroidal sets)
- Moduli of elliptic curves
- Spectral Lie algebras
- Topological modular forms
- Unstable homotopy theory
Our members are part of the Dutch cluster on Geometry and Quantum Theory (GQT) and they collaborate with the algebraic topologists at Radboud University Nijmegen and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Our members

Gijs Heuts
Interests: Algebraic topology, specifically Goodwillie calculus, chromatic homotopy theory, higher category theory and operads.

Lennart Meier
Interests: Chromatic homotopy theory (stable and unstable), equivariant homotopy theory, topological modular forms, moduli of elliptic curves

Ieke Moerdijk
Interests: Algebraic topology, applications of topology to mathematical logic.

Paige North
Interests: Category theory, homotopy theory, higher category theory, logic, homotopy type theory, and connections of those subjects with computer science and engineering

Guy Boyde
Interests: Unstable phenomena in homotopy theory, especially the asymptotic behaviour of torsion in unstable homotopy groups.

Christian Carrick
Interests: Equivariant, chromatic, and motivic homotopy, computations with higher real K-theories

Léonard Guetta
Interests: Higher category theory, category theory, homotopical algebra and homotopy type theory.

Josefien Kuijper
Interests: Homotopical methods in algebraic geometry, algebraic K-theory and scissors congruence.

Vignesh Subramanian
Interests: Homotopy theory (both stable and unstable), homotopical algebra and representation theory.

Miguel Barata
Supervisor: Ieke Moerdijk
Interests: Homotopy theory, in particular dendroidal homotopy theory and Goodwillie-Weiss's manifold calculus.

Max Blans
Supervisor: Gijs Heuts
Interests: Homotopy theory, specifically (unstable) chromatic homotopy theory and Goodwillie calculus.

Maite Carli
Supervisor: Gijs Heuts
Interests: Homotopy theory, more precisely chromatic and unstable homotopy theory.

Marco Nervo
Supervisor: Gijs Heuts
Interests: Metastable, chromatic and telescopic homotopy theory, functor calculus, computations, synthetic spectra.

Sven van Nigtevecht
Supervisor: Lennart Meier
Interests: Stable homotopy theory and higher algebra, particularly topological modular forms, synthetic spectra, and Brauer groups.

Ryan Quinn
Supervisor: Lennart Meier
Interests: Homotopy theory, in particular equivariant stable homotopy theory and equivariant elliptic cohomology.

Jaco Ruit
Supervisor: Lennart Meier
Interests: Homotopy theory, particularly equivariant stable homotopy theory and higher category theory
Local events
National and international events
Former members

Jack Davies
Supervisor: Lennart Meier
Interests: Spectral algebraic geometry, chromatic homotopy theory, (higher/model) category theory, and (global/equivariant) stable homotopy theory.

Peter Dawson
Supervisor: Ieke Moerdijk

Hadrian Heine

André Henriques
Interests: Algebraic topology.

Magdalena Kedziorek

Brice le Grignou
Interests: Homotopy theory and operads.

Tobias Lenz
Interests: Equivariant and global homotopy theory, with a particular focus on equivariant infinite loop space theory and the corresponding refinements of algebraic K-theory.

Yuqing Shi
Supervisor: Gijs Heuts
Interests: Homotopy theory, with a focus on Goodwillie calculus and its applications.

Niall Taggart
Interests: Algebraic topology, specifically functor calculus, stable and equivariant homotopy theory, model categories and higher category theory.

Mingcong Zeng
Interests: Chromatic homotopy theory from an equivariant perspective.