Workshops and conferences

Regular events

EAST. The European Autum School in Topology (EAST) is a yearly autum school, mainly aimed at PhD students. The 2024 edition will take place during the week September 16-20, close to Utrecht.
Dutch Differential Topology and Geometry seminar. The DDT&G is a monthly seminar organised between the universities of Amsterdam, Leiden and Utrecht. It features 2-hour minicourses aimed at a broad audience of master students and researchers, and focused on exciting recent developments.
Higher Geometric Structures along the Lower Rhine. This is a biyearly event jointly organised between the universities of Bonn, Nijmegen and Utrecht. Its focus lies on the development and application of new structures in geometry and topology. The next workshop will be in Nijmegen, 23-24 January 2025

Past conferences and workshops

Nov 30th – Dec 4th. Online workshop on Geometry, Mechanics and Control.

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