June 4, 2021
Title: On representations up to homotopy of Lie n-algebroids and higher VB-algebroid structures
Speaker: Theocharis Papantonis (Junior talk, 5:30pm)
In this talk, we will discuss the representation theory of higher Lie algebroids and higher VB-algebroid structures on double vector bundles. We will give the basic definitions about representations (up to homotopy) of Lie n-algebroids and construct some basic examples, such as the adjoint and coadjoint representations. Next, we will define the notion of a VB-Lie n-algebroid and explain how they correspond to (n+1)-representations of their side Lie n-algebroid, generalizing thus a well-known result from representation theory of ordinary Lie algebroids.
The talk is based on a joint work with Madeleine Jotz Lean and Rajan Mehta.