Title: Painters, Jesuits and conic sections
Speaker: Ad Meskens (Artesis Plantijn University College of Antwerp)
Time: 14:00
Title: Bolzano's early research on elementary geometry: equality, similarity and construction
Speaker: Davide Crippa (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)
Time: 16:00
Title: In Newton's footsteps: ancient analysis and modern geometry in Chasles's construction of the cubic
Speaker: Ivahn Smadja (Université de Nantes) and Nicolas Michel (Utrecht University)
Time: 12:00
Title: Omar Khayyam's geometric solutions of cubic equations
Speaker: Jeanine Daems (Hogeschool Utrecht)
Time: 11:00
Title: Leibniz's (re)Construction of the notions of contact
Speaker: Sandra Bella (Laboratoire SPHERE, Université de Paris)
Time: 10:00
Title: Newton's geometrical constructions
Speaker: Viktor Blåsjö (Utrecht University)
Time: 15:00
Practical information
- When: 18th June 2022. The session will start at 10:00 and finish at 18:00 (CET).
- Where: Opzoomerkamer, Academiegebouw, Utrecht.
- How: Participation is free and open. Please notify the organisers for planning purposes if you wish to attend.
Organising Committee
- Viktor Blåsjö (; Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
- Nicolas Michel (; Utrecht University, The Netherlands)