210604B Lukas Nakamura

June 4, 2021

Title: Small energy isotopies of loose Legendrian submanifolds

Speaker: Lukas Nakamura (Junior talk, 4:45pm)


On the one hand, loose Legendrian submanifolds of contact manifolds are topologically flexible according to Murphy's h-principle. On the other hand, Legendrians are often times rigid with respect to the energy of contactomorphisms. For example, Dimitroglou Rizell and Sullivan showed that the displacement energy of closed Legendrians in certain contact manifolds is bounded away from zero. In this talk, I will explain that loose Legendrians with nice loose charts are as flexible as they can be according to Dimitroglou Rizell and Sullivan's rigidity result. The result can be interpreted as a quantitative version of Murphy's h-principle.

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