Workshops and conferences

Regular events

EAST. The European Autumn School in Topology is a yearly autum school, mainly aimed at PhD students. The 2025 edition will take place during the week September 15-19, close to Utrecht.
Dutch Differential Topology and Geometry seminar. The DDT&G is a monthly seminar organised between the universities of Amsterdam, Leiden and Utrecht. It features 2-hour minicourses aimed at a broad audience of master students and researchers, and focused on exciting recent developments.
Higher Geometric Structures along the Lower Rhine. The «Higher-Lower» is a recurring event jointly organised between the universities of Bonn, Cologne, Nijmegen and Utrecht. The next workshop will be in Nijmegen, 23-24 January 2025.

Past conferences and workshops

Nov 30th – Dec 4th. Online workshop on Geometry, Mechanics and Control.

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