Math Calendar
Abstract: Ever since itsintroduction by Riemann in the middle of the 19th centrury, the moduli space ofcurves, parametrizing algebraic curves of genus g, has remained one of the mostintensely studied objects in mathematics and progress in the field usually cameusing non-trivial mixtures of algebro-geometric, analytic and combinatorialmethods. I will discuss the global geometry of the moduli space of curves, inparticular the classical question of determining its Kodaira dimension. Newdevelopments using tropical geometry and non-abelian Brill-Noether theory willbe discussed.
Supervisor: Dr. Álvaro del Pino Gómez and Dr. Lauran Toussaint
SecondReader: Prof. Marius Crainic
Abstract: Thistalk presents the preliminaries for understanding parametric Morse theory andpseudo‑isotopy theorems. We begin with an overview of classical Morse theory,emphasizing its role in analyzing manifold topology via critical point theory.Building on this foundation, we introduce h‑cobordism and its proof, along withthe s‑cobordism theorem, and demonstrate their applications—such as resolvingthe generalized Poincaré conjecture(in higher dimensions). Finally, we discussthe pseudo‑isotopy theorems, which can be regarded as the parametric versionsof h(s)‑cobordism, and show how their proofs connect with parametric Morsetheory.
Abstract: Ever since itsintroduction by Riemann in the middle of the 19th centrury, the moduli space ofcurves, parametrizing algebraic curves of genus g, has remained one of the mostintensely studied objects in mathematics and progress in the field usually cameusing non-trivial mixtures of algebro-geometric, analytic and combinatorialmethods. I will discuss the global geometry of the moduli space of curves, inparticular the classical question of determining its Kodaira dimension. Newdevelopments using tropical geometry and non-abelian Brill-Noether theory willbe discussed.
Abstract: Up to affine transformations over Z there are 18 different 3D Fano polytopes. The set of vertices of such a polytope is a subset V of Z^3 which can be used as exponents for a Laurent polynomial. The surface in P^3 defined by the homogenization of such a Laurent polynomial is a quartic K3 surface. Varying the coefficients of the Laurent polynomial yields a family of K3 surfaces. The aim of the talk is to demonstrate how the Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky hypergeometric system associated with V and results on Mirror Symmetry for lattice polarized K3 surfaces lead to simple elegant expressions for the transcendental periods as functions of the coefficients of the Laurent polynomial.
This seminarwill explore important themes in modern homotopy theory, focusing onTopological Hochschild Homology (THH), Topological Cyclic Homology (TC), andtheir applications in algebraic K-theory, with a special emphasis on tracemethods.
correlations can be measured by Gowers uniformity norms. We show that
the von Mangoldt function of primes restricted to a fixed Chebotarev
class varies randomly around its average, up to structure arising from
congruences to small moduli. By the inverse theory of Green-Tao-Ziegler,
we can achieve this by studying correlations with nilsequences. Under
GRH, we get analogous results for primes with a prescribed primitive
root. This is joint work with Magdaléna Tinková.
Abstract: Ever since itsintroduction by Riemann in the middle of the 19th centrury, the moduli space ofcurves, parametrizing algebraic curves of genus g, has remained one of the mostintensely studied objects in mathematics and progress in the field usually cameusing non-trivial mixtures of algebro-geometric, analytic and combinatorialmethods. I will discuss the global geometry of the moduli space of curves, inparticular the classical question of determining its Kodaira dimension. Newdevelopments using tropical geometry and non-abelian Brill-Noether theory willbe discussed.
This seminarwill explore important themes in modern homotopy theory, focusing onTopological Hochschild Homology (THH), Topological Cyclic Homology (TC), andtheir applications in algebraic K-theory, with a special emphasis on tracemethods.
Speaker: Bernard Nienhuis (UL)
Title: Explicit conserved quantities of the XXZ quantum chain
Abstract: Conservation laws play a very fundamental role in physics. Thermodynamics
and hydrodynamics are founded on conservation principles. For many years I
have worked on integrable or solvable models. Thus I often heard the
statement that solvable models have extensively many conserved quantities.
But I never got to know them for any model. This made me curious to see
them explicitly.
Onno Huygens worked with me as a student on some version of the XXZ chain.
This is a solvable generalization of the one-dimensional Heisenberg model
for ferromagnetism, in which the interaction is anisotropic in spin space.
Out of curiosity I asked Onno to calculate the first 6 or so of its list
of conserved quantities. He succeeded, to get 8 of them. But as to be
expected, they get more complicated as you go down the list. So much so
that it is hard to learn anything from it.
Therefore I asked Onno to find common properties. For a few months he
found every week a few new properties all his 8 conserved quantities had
in common. Until at some day he walked into my office saying "I got them".
He meant that the properties he had found, were enough to define the
series, albeit as an algorithm, not as a closed form expression. Of course
we had no proof that the subsequent terms in the list still had the
propertied Onno had found. With massive computer power he was able to find
number 9 and 10, and they were correctly predicted by his algorithm.
Later, when Onno had moved on to other subjects, I discovered a possiblity
to write the list as a fairly simple closed form expression. This helped
to find a method to prove that they do indeed represent conserved
quantities. Still hard labor, but it worked.
In this talk I will of course introduce the XXZ chain. Then I will
illustrate the above history written by showing examples of the
ingredients of each of the steps in the progress.
Location and time: JKH 2-3, Room 220 at 11-12.45
Afternoon session:
Speaker 1: Mirmukhsin Makhmudov (UL)
Title: Thermodynamic formalism for long-range potentials
Abstract: One-dimensional long-range models have captured considerable attention within the Statistical Mechanics
community, especially since F. Dyson demonstrated the presence of the phase transitions for long-range Ising models
in the low-temperature regime.
In 2017, A. Johansson, A. Öberg, and M. Pollicott studied the Dyson model on the half-line $\mathbb{\Z}$
and established that it also exhibits a phase transition, with a phase diagram similar to that of Dyson's classical model on $\mathbb{Z}$.
In this talk, I discuss the relationship between half-line and whole-line (classical) Gibbs states for one-dimensional
systems in a general setup.
Notably, the findings discussed apply to both ferromagnetic and
antiferromagnetic Dyson models.
Additionally, the talk addresses the problem of the existence and regularity of the principal
eigenfunction of the Perron-Frobenius transfer operator for potentials that fall outside the studied classes in
Thermodynamic Formalism.
Location and time: JKH 2-3, Room 220, 14.15-15.00
Speaker 1: Hidde van Wiechem (TU Delft)
Title: A large deviation principle for run-and-tumble particles
Abstract: The run-and-tumble particle process is a toy model for active particles, which are particles that use internal energy to move in a preferred direction. We model this as a multi-layer process, where each layer represents an internal state, to ensure that we are working with a Markov process. In this talk, we will investigate the scaling limits of the empirical measure of this model, with special focus on the large deviations. A main tool here is to introduce a weakly asymmetric version of the model, which produces the correct deviating paths for the large deviation principle. This talk is based on a joint work with Frank Redig and Elena Pulvirenti.
Location and time: JKH 2-3, Room 220, 15.15-16.00
This seminarwill explore important themes in modern homotopy theory, focusing onTopological Hochschild Homology (THH), Topological Cyclic Homology (TC), andtheir applications in algebraic K-theory, with a special emphasis on tracemethods.
We are pleased to invite you to the Research Half Day on Mathematical Finance,
taking place on March 18th, 2025, in the morning at Drift 25, Utrecht (Inner City).
This event brings together researchers and professionals to discuss cutting-edge topics in financial mathematics.
Date: Tuesday, March 18th
Location: Drift 25, Utrecht
Time: 8:30 AM – 1:10 PM
Live stream:
Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 342 130 946 741
Toegangscode (Passcode): NR9yK7FZ
Program Schedule:
8:30 – 9:00 | Coffee & Welcome
9:00 – 9:50 | Laura Spierdijk (University of Twente)
Hedging the Unhedgeable? Pricing CAT Bonds in a Changing Climate
9:55 – 10:45 | Yilong Xu (Utrecht University)
A “Green Premium” or a “Brown Discount”: Evidence from Experimental Asset Markets
10:45 – 11:15 | Coffee Break
11:15 – 12:05 | Jaehyuk Choi (Columbia University)
Efficient Simulation of the SABR Model
12:10 – 13:00 | Michael Sanders (Rabobank, Utrecht)
Execution of Financial Products: How Quantitative Analysis Drives Decision-Making in Private Debt and Derivatives13:10 | Workshop Closing
Attendance is open to all, but registration is required.
Please check the full program and register here: UU Events – Mathematical Finance Research Half Day.
We look forward to seeing you there!
This seminarwill explore important themes in modern homotopy theory, focusing onTopological Hochschild Homology (THH), Topological Cyclic Homology (TC), andtheir applications in algebraic K-theory, with a special emphasis on tracemethods.
This seminarwill explore important themes in modern homotopy theory, focusing onTopological Hochschild Homology (THH), Topological Cyclic Homology (TC), andtheir applications in algebraic K-theory, with a special emphasis on tracemethods.
Extremes in dynamical systems: max-stable and max-semistable laws
Extreme value theory for chaotic, deterministic dynamical systems is a rapidly expanding area of research. Given a dynamical system and a real-valued observable defined on its state space, extreme value theory studies the limit probabilistic laws for asymptotically large values attained by the observable along orbits of the system. Under suitable mixing conditions the extreme value laws are the same as those for stochastic processes of i.i.d. random variables.
Max-stable laws typically arise for probability distributions with regularly varying tails. However, in the context of dynamical systems, where the underlying invariant measure can be irregular, max-semistable distributions also have a natural place in studying extremal behaviour. In this talk I will first discuss a family of autoregressive processes with marginal distributions resembling the Cantor function. The resulting extreme value law can be proven to be a max-semistable distribution. Alternatively, we can describe the autoregressive process in terms of an iterated map with an invariant measure. Further examples of extreme value laws in dynamical systems are discussed as well.